Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Assignment #2

1. In the selection called "Peer Pressure" George states that "friends have more influence on one another's lives than almost anyone else does, especially in those teenage years when kids are trying to discover who they really are. So hooking up with the wrong crowd can really get you down."Do you agree with his comments? Why or why not? Have you seen other people try to pressure their friends to do things? (Good or bad) Have you felt pressure to behave in certain ways because of your friends? I do agree with this statement because your friends are the main people you share your feelings and thoughts with. When your friends have an idea to do something you usualy are going to go along with it. I have seen people pressure their friends into doing things both good and bad. Friends have the power to force you into doing things you dont want to do, but do anyways because they are doing it. I have had many situations in which I have been pressured to do something, or to go anlong with my buddies.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Assignment #1

1. Why do you think Rameck made the choices he did? He knew right from wrong, so what motivated him to choose the "wrong" path as a teen? I beleive that Rameck made the choices that he did becasue of the friends he surrounded himself with. If Rameck were to have found better friends to hang around with he may have not made the choices that he did. Friends always are a great influence on what you do in life, and Rameck's obviously were a poor influence.

2. Considering both his parents were drug addicts, was he really responsible for his actions? Explain your opinion. Rameck is responsible for his actions because he put himself into situations with the wrong people that helped him in making bad choices. Just becasue his parents had a problem doesnt mean that he had to go down the wrong path as well.

3. Are young people responsible for their actions if they have no good role models or people to teach them the right way to live? Explain your opinion. Yes, everyone is responsible for themselves no matter what the case may be. If you have poor role models then you should want to exceed and be above them and do what is right in life, other than go down the wrong path and mess everything up for yourself.

4. Who are the biggest influences in your own life? In what ways have they shaped you? What have they taught you? The biggest influence in my life is Justin Barrett. Justin was my eighth grade basketball coach and he taught me a lot about life. He has shaped me in many ways other than basketball skills. he is studying a broad in Europe learning what it take to become an architect, the same jopb I would like to persue. he has taught me how to deal with real life situations, and how to keep my composure under pressure.